This was a wonderful journey of extremes, for example:
Scenery: From pure ugliness to jaw-dropping inspiring beauty.
Altitudes: From 35 feet (11 m) to over 11,000 feet (3352 m) above sea level in elevation.
Temperatures: From 21 degrees F (-6 C) to over 101 degrees (39 C).
Winds: From dead calm to over 45 miles per hour (72 Km).
Humidity: From desert dry to soaking rains with snow, sleet and ice.
Skies: From crystal clear blue to a blinding sandstorm.
On top of everything above ...and not necessarily in this sequence ...
-A pair of dead RV coach batteries was replaced in Albuquerque(just a month out of warranty);
- An elusive intermittent fuse of the 12 VDC amplified antenna circuit of the TV;
- A sewer hose was not fully tightened while flushing the tank, so you know the rest;
- An under chassis 12 VDC power circuit grounding problem for 25% of the RV;
- The front bra was ripped and had to be removed due to strong winds;
- A spare omni-directional TV antenna was lost on the Interstate due to strong winds;
- The toilet backed-up due to insufficient water flushing;
- A coffee decanter was busted and a new coffee maker had to be purchased;
- A can of Coca-Cola fell in the galley area and exploded;
- A cup of orange juice also hit the floor;
- A purse was left in a store and had to be quickly retrieved;
- A clerk at a McDonald's restaurant short-changed us $10 and was caught.
- The external GPS roof antenna and a passenger side rear view mirror was ripped off by untrimmed trees at a National
Park while driving to a campsite.
- Lost a Channel Lock pliers at a campground, but found a 3/8" ratchet and a 10mm socket left in the Pickup truck.
In reality, these were all minor in nature. They only affected the coach portion of the RV, not the Ford F-53 RV chassis
and power-train, besides everything was able to be attended to or a work-around was accomplished.
But in all, I would do it all over again. Just hiking the "Wave" made it all worthwhile; the rest became just
a huge mound of icing on the most delicious cake that anyone could possibly eat.